Paradise has a name ... Riverbend


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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

First visitors for the season

The sign is up to welcome our first visitors for the season to Riverbend Cottage!

The cottage looks spic and span with the fridge full of goodies and plenty of DVDs and books to keep them entertained ...

... and the bed is ready to watch those starry nights on the river from (to challenge the myth that it is incorrect to end a sentence with a preposition; it's the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put.)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sail ho!

Brian Darcey, an old PNG-friend, has just emailed to say that he'll set sail from Cairns on the 15th of November and should be anchored off "Riverbend" sometime in late December.

Fair winds, Brian, and see you soon! (And here are your sailing instructions up the Clyde River - in German, of course!)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Clyde River waterfront property for sale

You have to live somewhere - it may as well be Paradise!

Here's a bit of an advertisement on my own behalf: the sale of our 7-acre-plus property "Riverbend" with almost 400 metres of absolute waterfront near Batemans Bay on the South Coast of New South Wales. For more information go to

It's the sort of property that is usually passed down the family as there are only a few like it on the Clyde River. I have been here for 18 years and for me it's time to move on - regrettably! - as we plan to live for part of the year in Kalimantan (Borneo) in Indonesia which makes it near-impossible to also maintain such a large property this far south.

The price - for those who can afford it - is very realistic as nearby unimproved waterfront blocks just 1500 square metres in size and with as little as 19 metres of waterfront have recently sold for $750,000. By contrast, "Riverbend" consists of eight titles, comprising approx. 29,200 square metres (see map), is on sale for $2 million, lock, stock and barrel. For those who feel a little financially challenged, I can offer very substantial vendor's finance on below-bank finance terms.

If you're interested, contact me by email to


Friday, September 16, 2011

Nelligen gets seal of approval

Nelligen has a new, high profile resident - complete with flippers, fur and fangs.

An Australian fur seal bull took up residence at the Thule Road boat ramp in Nelligen about three weeks ago, and has made himself at home ever since.

Nelligen residents say the seal spends plenty of time in the water, but the boat ramp is his favourite patch of land.

“I don’t know how he got here, he must be lost,” a nearby resident said.

“He must be getting a feed in the river.”

The resident said that boat owners had tried to retrieve their vessel via the ramp recently but had been unable to do so because the seal didn’t feel like moving.

“He just comes out of the water, has a scratch and a yawn, lies there and goes to sleep,” he said.

“When people get near him, he just opens one eye, then closes it.”

The resident said that someone had tried to feed the seal sardines on Monday.

“It was no good; he didn’t take it,” he said.

Nelligen Café proprietor Rick Patman said it was thought the seal followed the cruise boat Merinda up from Batemans Bay.

“My daughter has named him Luka,” he said. “He’s a very good fisherman - he’s cleaned out our fish stocks.”

Nelligen oyster farmer Rick Christensen has reported seeing a smaller seal near the oyster leases near Nelligen.

National Parks and Wildlife Service ranger Libby Shields said that the two seals were unlikely to be related in any way.

“They are fairly solitary animals,” she said.

Ms Shields said that seal numbers were on the increase and this would explain the bull’s appearance.

“They are popping up all over the place,” she said.

By law, people are required to stay at least 40 metres from a seal.

“We realise this is difficult in such a place but they can get aggressive, so we would advise people for their own safety not to get close to him, try to feed him or let their dogs get close to him,” she said.

She said that the NPWS would not relocate the seal or take any other measures.

“He looks fine so we won’t intervene.”

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Cottage has gone digital!

The holiday season hasn't started yet but we've got started already by installing a brandnew SANYO high definition digital TV/DVD Combo in the Cottage!

Of course, it'll come with scores of DVDs of some of the latest - and also some of the most classic - movies for our guests' enjoyment. Cinema Paradiso indeed!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Early Saturday morning at "Riverbend"

These misty mornings at "Riverbend" are sheer magic! I need these quiet, pensive moments: just me and my thoughts and a hot cup of tea.

While pensive poets painful vigils keep,

Sleepless themselves to give their readers sleep.

These days I need only four hours' sleep. True, I need it twice a day, but still. When I wake up in my pyjama, I know it's morning; if I'm in my clothes, it's time for afternoon tea.

In the meantime, there are chores to be done: the wild birds and the wild ducks on the pond need feeding; the battery in the tractor is flat and needs recharging; last night's rain filled the dinghy which needs bailing; and then there is the endless weeding and gardening.

All too soon, the sun will be out and it'll be too hot to do anything more than go for a drive to Moruya to visit the markets and have lunch at the bowling club.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

All pumped up!

Click goes the pump, click, click, click ... no, no more it does!

We seek them here, we seek them there, and we finally found the water leaks that caused the pump to keep pumping away: yes, the taps needed new washers but the pressure reservoir above the pump had also sprung a leak.

$115 and a new pressure reservoir later and the pump runs quietly, and only when needed, and delivers a wonderfully even flow in the shower.

We're all pumped up to provide you with a beautiful shower next time you visit!