Paradise has a name ... Riverbend


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Is this cute or what?


We've added a verandah and covered walkway to our Cottage. Now it looks as cute as a Hänsel & Gretel House, don't you think? All that's missing is the gingerbread ☺


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Take one!

Click on image


Our short-lived holiday season isn't far away and it's time to roll out the promotional material for "Riverbend Cottage". I always like to state the obvious, so I glued the letters "TAKE ONE" on the box.

"TAKE ONLY ONE" would've been better but didn't fit on the box and in any case it reminds me too much of the real estate agent up north who had one of those "Please take one" baskets outside his shopfront but the basket was always empty.

I eventually walked into the shop to ask for a brochure and suggested that he fill up the empty basket outside.

"Ah, yes," he said, "I don't put any more out there. People keep taken them away."