Paradise has a name ... Riverbend


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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Boys will be boys


But some guests become friends, such as Pam and Greg who've just spent the long Queen's Birthday weekend at "Riverbend" Cottage.

If we had known you'd bring along your remote-controlled helicopter, Greg, we would have built you a helipad!


Sunday, June 9, 2013

A day in the country is worth a month in town


Even our winter sun is so bright, it almost bleaches the sign which reads, "A day in the country is worth a month in town".

So book yourself a 'three-month' stay at "Riverbend" Cottage by taking advantage of our 3-day special at $470.

After a day of deep blue skies and bright sunshine, you can retire to your cosy cottage which has an electric heater and an electric blanket on the bed.

And if you're not a teetotaller, we'll serve you a piping-hot 'Glühwein' to send you off to sleep.

A Sunday morning walk across the bridge

A perfect winter's morning with deep-blue skies and bright sunshine tempted us to ventured across the bridge into the very hub of Nelligen village life, the touristy waterfront.

Then past the empty tennis court ...

... and some equally empty mail-boxes ...

... for a chat across the fence with some locals ...

.. whose 'rustic' garden could well be Nelligen's next tourist attraction.

It isn't much but it's home!


P.S. I have been asked several times now how Nelligen got its name. It's something of a mystery but here is a possible explanation.


Monday, June 3, 2013

This is no Claytons gift

They arrived as guests and departed as friends - and now they've sent us these beautiful presents!

Thank you, Maggie and Clayton, for your kind thoughts and Clayton's creative work on the lathe. The wooden potpourri bowl now has its place of honour on the mantelpiece. As for the other two wooden utensils, I'm quite used to wooden spoons ☺

We hope that you've had a safe trip back to Canada and that we'll see you again next summer!


P.S. Should you get caught out by the Canadian winter before you can return to Australia, you may find this Canadian Tire ad helpful:


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Sunday morning on my mind


I woke up this morning thinking it was Sunday. As always, I skipped my Sunday morning sleep-in but I had my Sunday morning cup of coffee and I had my Sunday morning walk. And then I was told it was Monday! Whatever happened to Sunday?


I know when it's Friday because that's when the garbage truck rumbles down our peaceful lane. I also know when it's lunchtime because that's when the tourist boat passes the house.

But how do I know when it's Sunday?

It's not easy being retired!