Paradise has a name ... Riverbend


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Monday, April 30, 2012

Calling Peter, Merel and Maryclaire Boogers in the Netherlands



Remember "Riverbend Cottage"? It was your second stop on your Australian trip in January 2001 and you enjoyed your stay with us so much, you even wanted to cancel the rest of your itinerary. We succeeded in talking you out of it but you did write in our guestbook:

"... Merel has informed us that she return here when she is 18 years old."

Well, she isn't quite 18 yet but Padma would like to see her anyway so when are you coming back?

When you're here, Padma can once more cluck over Merel while the two Peters have a few beers and sing the old Steigerlied.

After all, it's not every day that one meets a Dutch mining engineer. A Dutch cheese-maker, yes! A Dutch clog-maker, yes! A Dutch tulip-grower, yes! But a Dutch mining engineer? A rare breed indeed!

We hope to see you again soon!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

An email from the "Scruffie" Taxman

It's not often that one gets a nice email from a taxman but this one was a pleasant surprise:

Hi Peter

You may remember me. I come down to Nelligen every now and then with my Stornaway Weekender for a few days sailing on the Clyde.

I haven't been down so far this year, but my wife and her nephew from Japan (with dog) would like to rent your cottage for a couple of weeks from 18 May if it's available. I'd come down on the weekends to stay on my boat. Do you have a vacancy then? If not, do you know of any other places where they could stay (granted that no where will be quite as beautiful as Riverbend).

Hope to hear from you soon.

Simon (the Taxman)

We first met Simon on his beautiful boat "Scruffie" in April 2010 and of course we remember him.

Come on down, Simon, we would love to welcome you to "Riverbend Cottage"!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Riverbend's three S's

No, it's not Sun, Surf & Sex, it's

Silence, Stillness & Solitude

There are plenty of quiet spots along the river which, with the help of a couple of sawn-off tree stumps and a wooden plank across, are ideal for reading a book or just peaceful contemplation.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

When I was a boy

In Berlin in 1948


When I was a boy, my mother would send me down to the corner store with a few coins and I'd come back with 5 bags of potatoes, 2 loaves of bread, 3 bottles of milk, a hunk of cheese, a box of tea, and 6 eggs.

Of course, you can't do that now. Too many friggin' security cameras!

I was reminded of this when shopping for our guests' free breakfast hamper.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'll meet you 'round the bend my friend ...

... where hearts can heal and souls can mend.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Things are getting cooler at "Riverbend" ...

(Forever) AMBER LADY safely at her mooring

... but only at night! The days are always beautiful, with deep blue skies and brilliant sunshine.

In fact, it could be said that autumn and winter is the best time to enjoy the snugness and warmth of the Cottage at night and to watch from under the doona the mist lift off the river in the morning. It's a veritable wonderland away from the pressures of city-life.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Calling Dr Thomas Flock

If you are Thomas Flock or know where Thomas Flock is, please contact Peter and Padma at Riverbend Cottage. We remained in email contact with Thomas right through his years in Doha but then somehow lost touch.

It was Christmas 2000 and we'd just come back home after having listed our holiday cottage with the tourist office in town when the phone rang and a man's voice asked, "Is that Fisherman's Paradise and do you have a vacancy?"

I hesitated. Fisherman's Paradise? Yes, of course, that's the name under which we had listed the cottage with the tourist office.

"Yes, this is Fisherman's Paradise and, yes, we do have a vacancy", and, having detected a German accent, I added "Where are you from?"

"Same place you're from."


And that's how Thomas Flock, his wife, and his sister became our first Cottage guests.

Which is something worth celebrating so if you read this, Thomas, and you're coming back to Australia, we offer you a week's free stay in our Cottage.

We have to disappoint you though: it's no longer called Fisherman's Paradise - it's simply paradise!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Beautiful lies

Dear Peter and Padma

Thank you for sharing both your recreational and personal space with us. This was truly the "perfect holiday" in a well-kept secret paradise.

We leave with many memories that will need to be topped up from time to time, so we look forward to returning.

The week here has made us consider how much the pace of life dictates both our mental and physical well-being. Time to relax, chat, read, row and sleep have given us a new energy.

Thanks again for all your hospitality and for Padma's fantastic rations.

Max and Sharron, Wanniassa, Canberra

Dear Peter, Padma, Malty & Rover

Thanks for letting us share your beautiful Riverbend.

We have had a fabulous time & Lizzy and Darcy have had so much fun swimming (for the first time), canoeing, chasing bunnies, and hanging out with Malty & Rover.

Thanks also for your endless generosity & hospitality. It has made us all feel right at home.

All the very best for the year ahead.

Many thanks
Andrew, Jo, Lizzy & Darcy
Surry Hills, Sydney

P.S. Lizzy & Darcy give Riverbend
FIVE-PAW ratingFIVE-PAW ratingFIVE-PAW ratingFIVE-PAW ratingFIVE-PAW ratingFIVE-PAW rating 6 paws!!!

Padma & Peter,
Thanks again for yet another wonderful stay.

Will definitely be back, & next time for at least 2 weeks.

Joy & Tim, Orange

Dear Peter and Padma,

What a beautiful place to spend our 28th anniversary - everything you need and nothing you don't need!

Your generosity and hospitality was very much appreciated. As you give to others may you continue to be blessed in return.

With gratitude and heartfelt thanks

Ian and Jill

Dear Peter & Padma,

Don't let them drag us back to Sydney!!!

You are two wonderful people who have gone to extensive trouble to make sure we have had a tremendous holiday. As if this beautiful piece of the world wasn't enough, you have provided us with everything we could possibly need & so much more.

We will miss the tranquility more than we can say. It has also been wonderful to just sit & watch the wildlife (sorry, we couldn't resist giving Lulu a few grapes).

Thankyou for your wonderful hospitality & for allowing us to experience "Riverbend". We will be raving about it to all our friends & family.

Kind regards

Michael & Yvonne
Lane Cove

Dear Peter & Padma

Once again a lovely restful stay but all too short.

One day, who knows, we might get the time to stay 2 weeks.

All the best for your own travels which you are about to embark on.

Take care.

Cheers, Jan & Dick
Clontarf Beach, Qld.

Dear Padma & Peter,

We (as before) had a lovely time. It's a beautiful spot. The dogs love the river. We loved the passionfruit butter.

Thankyou for a lovely stay. You're the best hosts we've ever had!

We'll see you again very soon.

Tim & Joy
Spring Hill (via Orange NSW)

Dear Padma and Peter

Thank you for a very special 'impromptu' weekend allowing us to share time in your lovely home with two very warm and thoughtful people.

God bless you always.

Robert and Lesley
Pinelodge Pastoral
Goulburn NSW

Dearest Padma & Peter,

It may have been 6 months between stays but the warm hospitality & serenity of Riverbend remains.

This time we were able to share the wonders of the river with Lachlan (5 yrs) and perhaps a few lessons in patience.

We bid you au revoir until the next time not sad but relaxed & peaceful for the moment in time at Riverbend.

Colette Paddy & Lachlan

Dear Peter & Padma

Thank you for a very restful stay. Your warmth and hospitality was greatly appreciated.

Grant loved the jetty (although it was I who caught the fish) and I loved swimming at your very private beach.

Unfortunately our stay was cut short due to the terrible fires in Canberra - back to work I'm afraid!

Best wishes to you both
Rebecca and Grant Schults, Gundaroo NSW

Dear Peter and Padma

Thankyou for opening your private piece of nature to us. We've had a lovely, quiet and relaxing weekend - just what we needed.

Your hideaway is a wonderful alternative to a sterile hotel room.
Warm regards
Heather and James
Waverton, NSW

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Imitation is the best form of flattery

Riverbend Cottage

First there was Riverbend Cottage, then came Biddies on Farm Cottage, then Riverbank, and now there is Carrie's Cottage who is right next to us.

Thank God for competition: the more there is, the better and least-expensive Riverbend Cottage looks!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I just love this story - and the tune as well

A musician named Dave Carroll recently had difficulty with United Airlines. Dave spent over 9 months trying to get United to pay for damages caused by baggage handlers to his custom Taylor Guitar.

During his final exchange with the United Customer Relations Manager, he stated that he was left with no choice other than to create a music video for YouTube exposing their lack of cooperation. The Manager responded: "Good luck with that one, pal."

So he posted a retaliatory video on YouTube. The video has since received over 6 million hits. United Airlines contacted the musician and attempted settlement in exchange for pulling the video. Naturally his response was: "Good luck with that one, pal."

Taylor Guitars sent the musician two new custom guitars in appreciation for the product recognition from the video that has led to a sharp increase in orders.

Next time you want to get even, get on YouTube!