We've had two visiting academics from the Australian National University in Canberra stay with us for a week. They were two charming young ladies, Hanna Kokko from Finland and Hope Klug from the USA - both professors no less! - who arrived on MURRAYS bus and really explored and enjoyed everything Nelligen and the Clyde River had to offer.
Hanna walked the entire length of Runnyford Road which runs from the back of Nelligen to just south of Batemans Bay (see green route on map) by first rowing across the Clyde in front of "Riverbend Cottage" and then climbing to the ridge where it joins up with Runnyford Road (soon to be renamed Hanna's Walk).
Both visited the Moruya Markets with Padma, canoed on the river, and attended Sunday's Country & Western Music performances in the village hall.
We encouraged them to get a taste of Australia by watching Australian movies which they did with Shiralee, Travelling North, and Storm Boy.
Hanna and Hope, you are our favourite guests and we hope you took away some happy memories!
P.S. We have just received this email from Hanna:
Hi Peter and Padma,
We're now back safely in Canberra and have been enthusing to everyone about our stay! It is a nice feeling indeed when opening the door of one's office and it feels like it's been ages since one last did it. Time becomes a very odd concept there, in the best possible way - it flies and at the same time it feels, well, timeless!
I'm pretty sure we'll meet again...
all the best and thanks again for all this